Idioms and Phrases Starting With Z

 As you know, we are learning Idioms and Phrases alphabetically. Now, finally we have reached the last alphabet. If you want all idioms and phrases starting from A to Z, click here to read. In this blog, we will learn some important idioms and phrases starting with Z. Read, Learn, Repeat and Share. Blog by Zuba'r Saifi

Idioms and Phrases Starting With Z 

Idioms and Phrases Starting With Z

1. Zip past

Meaning: to move past (someone or something) very fast

Example: The guy just zipped past me in the queue today without bothering about the rules of the organization.

2. Zonk out

Meaning: to fall asleep very promptly.

Example: After a great hard working day, she zonked out.

3. Zero tolerance

Meaning: denial to allow rebellious activities, usually by rigid and strict application of the rules;

Example: There is zero tolerance towards any gender bias in this company.

4. Zip it

Meaning: to ask someone to shut up

Example: The teacher had asked the class to zip it but today everybody seemed to want to talk a lot. So she punished the entire class.

5. Zip your lip

Meaning: to stop talking

Example: Why don't you just zip your lip, I am tired of being nagged all morning.

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6. Zero-sum game

Meaning: to be in a situation where the outcomes can either be to win or to lose

Example: The budget division is a zero-sum game.

7. Zenith of career or life

Meaning: the highest pinnacle of a person's career or life

Example: The birth of his daughter was the zenith of his life.

8. Zero hour

Meaning: the particular time when any crucial act supposed to take place.

Example: Right before the dawn, the British military had been waiting for zero hour.

9. Zoom away | Zoom off

Meaning: to be in a hurry

Example: The duo just zoomed off in the mist, the perfect ending to a fairy tale wedding.

10. Zone Out

                Meaning: To Stop paying attention and think about something else / To think about nothing

                Example: When I was lecturing in the classroom, he was zoned out.

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