Idioms and Phrases Starting With V & W

Idioms and Phrases are always important to learn for your exam and spoken as well. We are learning Idioms and Phrases alphabetically. If you haven't read idioms from A to U yet, click here to read. In this blog, we will learn 13 important Idioms and Phrases starting with V and W. These idioms and phrases beginning with V and W, are chosen wisely for your exams. Read, learn, repeat and don't forget to share. Help us to grow. Blog by Zuba'r Saifi

Idioms and Phrases Starting With V & W

Idioms and phrases starting with V

1.Vanish into the air - लुप्त होना

Meaning: To disappear

Culprit vanished into the air. Police can’t find him anywhere.

2.Virgin territory - वह क्षेत्र जिसका पता न लगाया गया हो 

Meaning: A territory that hasn’t been explored or touched

Use: There is no sign of human in the Himalayas, it’s a virgin territory.

3. Volte-face - पलट जाना 

Meaning: Complete reversal of opinion and attitude.

Use: He has a complete volte-face about him when he knew the truth.

4.Vent the spleen - गुस्सा दिखाना 

Meaning: To express anger

Use: Politicians used the press conference as an opportunity to vent their spleen on reporters.

5.To wash Dirty lining in public - जनता में निजी मामलों के बारे में चर्चा करें या बहस करें

Meaning: Discuss or argue about one's private affairs in public.

Use: She decided not to take the family dispute to court as she feared it would only lead to a lot of washing of dirty linen in public.

6.Wild goose chase - एक मूर्ख और निराशाजनक खोज

Meaning: A foolish and Hopeless search

Use: After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realized we were on a wild goose chase.

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7.Wear one’s heart on one’ sleeves - किसी की भावनाओं को बताना 

Meaning: To display one’s feeling openly

Use: Mohan always has his heart on his sleeves so that everyone knows how he feels.

8.With a high hand - अत्याचार

Meaning: Oppressively

Use: Teacher handles the naughty students with a high hand.

9.A windfall - अचानक और अप्रत्याशित लाभ

Meaning: A sudden and unexpected profit

Use: The money donated by the Minister was really a windfall for the poor.

10.A wet blanket - जो आनंद और उत्साह को हतोत्साहित करता है

Meaning: Who discourages enjoyment and enthusiasm

Use: Ram acts as a wet blanket in Sohan love life.

11.Wrong foot - इस तरह से शुरुवात कि असफल होने की संभावना है

Meaning: To begin in a way that is likely to fail

Use: The company was completely wrong-footed by the dollar's sudden recovery.

12.Walking on air - बहुत जादा ख़ुशी 

Meaning: Extreme happiness

Use: After cracking SSC CGL exam he is walking on air.

13.Willy or nilly - चाहें  या नहीं

Meaning: Whether one wishes or not

Use: We have to accept some job willy or nilly.

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