Idioms and Phrases Starting With S || Orator Institute

Idioms and Phrases play a very important role in vocab building and scoring extra marks in exams. We have given you idioms beginning from A to Q before. Read them here. Now, here we will learn idioms that begin with S. Read, learn and repeat. Idioms and Phrases Starting With S.

 9 Important Idioms and Phrases Starting With S

1. Sticky fingers

Meaning: keep objects that don't belong to you

Example: Money had started disappearing from the treasury coffers so, they realized that someone had sticky fingers.


2. Square peg in a round hole

Meaning: a person who doesn't fit into societies norm

Example: How he got the job I will never know. He's like a square peg in a round hole.


3. Silver lining

Meaning: sadness or unpleasant things can have a positive side effect

Example: If it's the tough time in your life, it comes with many silver linings.


4. Stand in a good stead

Meaning: to be of advantage to someone

Example: His years of experience in the spoken English field has stood him in good stead.


5. Smack dab

Meaning: exactly

Example: We got our water balloons fully filled and threw smack dab at their heads. It was fun, I tell you! 

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Idioms and Phrases Starting With Q


6. Screw up

Meaning: slang depicting that a mistake was made

Example: I really screwed up this time. My wife will never forgive me for forgetting her birthday. 


7. Seventh heaven

Meaning: being glad

Example: Nicole Kidman was in seventh heaven when she received the award for the best actress. 


8. Spend a fortune

Meaning: spend a small fortune

Example: Do not spend a fortune on the gifts to make others happy. 


9. Six of one, half a dozen of the other

Meaning: comparison between the two things which are identical

Example: If I go north or south, I will turn up at the same location. It is six of one, half dozen of the other.

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