Important Lessons for Your Exam
Mission Vocab || UP-TGT/PGT 2021|| Lesson-3
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I have already told you how important role vocabulary plays in getting better scores in exams. Most of the students miss the opportunity just by little margin. Read and learn new words daily. Repeat them and most importantly use them in your daily life. There is no short cut of learning Antonyms and Synonyms. I'll write around 40 blogs on important word meaning for your exams. Read each and every blog and learn them all. Here is your first blog with 15 words and with their meaning, antonyms and synonyms.
1. Assuage (v)
Meaning of assuage - ease, lessen शांत करना , कम करना
Synonyms of assuage - relieve, soothe
Antonyms of assuage - aggravate
2. Alleviate (v)
Meaning- relieve, assuage कम करना
Alleviate synonyms - reduce, ease
Alleviate antonyms - aggravate
3. Acrimonious (adj)
Meaning- stinging, caustic कटु
Acrimonious synonyms - bitter, sarcastic
Acrimonious antonyms - smooth, pleasant
4. Adamant (adj.)
Meaning of adamant - hard, inflexible कठोर, अटल, अडिग
Synonyms of adamant - unshakable, immovable
Antonyms of adamant - unsure, undetermined
5. Allay (v.)
Meaning of allay - calm, pacify तीव्रत कम करन
Synonyms of allay - reduce, diminish
Antonyms of allay - increase, intensify
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Mission Vocab || UP TGT-PGT 2021 || Lesson 1
6. Atone (v)
Meaning- make amends पछताना, क्षतिपूर्ति करना, प्रायश्चित करना
Atone synonyms - absolve, recompense, redeem
Atone antonyms - disagree, spoil
7. Abjure (v)
Meaning- give up छोड़ देना, अस्वीकार करना
Abjure synonyms - renounce, relinquish, abandon
Abjure antonyms - assert, vindicate, demand
8. Affluence (n)
Meaning- abundance, wealth अमीरी, समृद्धि
Affluence synonyms - prosperity, luxury, plenty
Affluence antonyms - poverty
9. Appraise (v)
Meaning- estimate value of मूल्यांकन करना
Appraise synonyms - evaluate, judge, consider
Appraise antonyms - ignore, neglect
10. Adjure (v)
Meaning- to request, to issue a formal command अनुरोध करना, शपथ दिलाकर कोई बात पूछना
Adjure synonyms - beseech, charge, entreat
Adjure antonyms - answer
11. Absolve (v)
Meaning- pardon, exonerate बरी करना करना, दोषमुक्त करना
Absolve synonyms - exonerate, discharge , acquit
Absolve antonyms - blame, condemn, punish
12. Abscond (v)
Meaning- hide, run secretly फरार होना
Abscond synonyms - run away, escape, decamp
Abscond antonyms - arrive, appear, continue
13. Affray (n)
Meaning- public brawl दंगा
Affray synonyms - fight, battle, confrontation
Affray antonyms - calm, peace, surrender
14. Annihilate (v)
Meaning- destroy सत्यानाश करना, मिटा देना
Annihilate synonyms - wipe out, eliminate, eradicate
Annihilate antonyms - create, build , establish
15. Appease (v)
Meaning- pacify, soothe शांत करना
Appease synonyms - calm, assuage, mitigate
Appease antonyms - aggravate, agitate, incite
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