Idioms and Phrases Starting With E || Orator Institute

Hey, Orators.
let's learn some more idioms and phrases. As you have learned Idioms starting with A, B,C & D now, we will learn those starting with "E"
Read, Learn and Repeat. Blog by Zuba'r Saifi

1. Every Dog has his day
Meaning: Sooner or later, everyone has his share of good fortune
Example: You may become successful in your business someday. Every dog has his day.

2. Early bird
 Meaning: A person who gets up early or arrives early for something.
Example: My brother is an early bird and gets up very early every morning.

3. Egg on
Meaning: to urge or push someone to do something.
Example: The boy is always egging his friend on to do stupid things.

4. Eye of the storm
Meaning: The center of a problem
Example: The politician was in the eye of the storm because of the accounting scandal.

5. Excuse (someone)
Meaning: to forgive someone
Example: We excused the man for his rude comments because he did not know any better.

6. Eagle eye
Meaning: Quick to discover ( Unusually keen sight)
Example: A good student has an eagle eye for his errors.

7. Empty vessels make the most noise
Meaning: Those who know or have little knowledge often shout the loudest
Example: Ram tells as if he's an expert on everything, but empty vessels make the most noise.

8. Earn one's keep
Meaning: To perform satisfactory physical labour or to provide other worthy services in return for remuneration, lodging, or other benefits; to support oneself financially.
